New insights from the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial reveal alarming risks for postmenopausal women with coronary heart disease (CHD) who followed a low-fat 'heart-healthy' diet:
26% greater risk of additional CHD events compared to those on a control diet
Risk increased to 47-61% over an additional 5 years
Negative impact on insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2DM)
Statin users faced a 49% increased risk of developing T2DM
Despite popular belief, this low-fat, high-carb approach might worsen outcomes for those with insulin resistance. It's time to question the long-standing dietary guidelines and the focus on LDL levels for heart health.
Why This Matters:
For decades, we've been told to cut fat and lower LDL to protect our hearts. But this study shows the need to reconsider these recommendations, especially for those with existing health conditions.
Noakes TD. Hiding unhealthy heart outcomes in a low-fat diet trial: the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial finds that postmenopausal women with established coronary heart disease were at increased risk of an adverse outcome if they consumed a low-fat ‘heart-healthy’ diet. Open heart. 2021;8(2):e001680.
